Tech Mini-Lesson Reflection
For my mini-lesson, I showed the class how to use Piktochart . I chose to work with Piktochart because it is a tech tool that I use regularly in my life. I've used it to my cards, posters, newsletters, and more, and I also use it often for homework assignments. Before my mini-lesson, I made a detailed plan that included how and why I wanted to teach my classmates to use Piktochart. I found that having a plan really helped, because during my mini-lesson I knew exactly how I wanted to use my time. My plan included steps that built on each other, so it was easy to move from one step to the next to make sure I talked about everything that I wanted to in my allotted time. It was hard to keep my lesson to 10 minutes, but that was only because I wanted to include sufficient time for my classmates to play around with the program themselves. Overall, I think my mini-lesson went well. I could have been a little more engaging, but I'm happy with the fact that I demoed a practica